Boston Brain Injury Lawyer

Brain injuries can be devastating. Although very mild brain injuries may heal quickly, more serious injuries can last a lifetime and can inhibit one’s ability to work and care for oneself. At Turco Legal, we are experienced in seeking compensation on behalf of accident victims, including those who have suffered head injuries. If you would like to discuss your case with our Boston brain injury lawyer, please contact us today.

Types of Brain Injuries

There are two primary types of brain injuries: traumatic brain injuries and non-traumatic brain injuries.

Many brain injuries are traumatic injuries caused by an external force. An object—like a bullet—can pierce through the skull and damage part of the brain. This is known as a penetrating traumatic brain injury (“TBI”), or open TBI. Conversely, a non-penetrating (or closed) traumatic brain injury can result from something that causes movement of the brain within the skull, like a forceful fall or car accident, for example.

Other brain injuries are non-traumatic. These stem from internal factors, like decreased oxygen to the brain or illness. They are not due to an impact on the head. Like TBIs, non-traumatic brain injuries can have severe consequences. For example, brain cells can die within minutes of oxygen deprivation.

What Causes Brain Injuries?

Many brain injuries are caused by:

  • Motor vehicle crashes;
  • Slip and falls;
  • Sports accidents;
  • Assaults;
  • Product defects;
  • Workplace accidents; and,
  • Medical malpractice.

Signs You Have Suffered a Brain Injury

Many brain injuries result in obvious symptoms. Yet it is possible to suffer a brain injury and not realize it—at least not immediately. Sometimes, it may take weeks before symptoms develop after a brain injury. Or symptoms may be so mild, the injured party may not realize they have suffered the injury.

When present, some common brain injury symptoms include:

  • Loss of consciousness;
  • Physical impairment;
  • Loss of balance;
  • Blurred or double vision;
  • Slurred speech;
  • Difficulty concentrating;
  • Headaches;
  • Seizures;
  • Ringing in ears;
  • Memory loss;
  • Tingling or numbness in limbs;
  • Mood swings; and,
  • Sleep disruption.

The best way to determine if you have suffered a brain injury is to seek medical care promptly after an accident.

Long-Term Effects of Brain Injuries

Some brain injuries are mild and can heal within weeks to a couple of months. Injured parties may then be able to return to their pre-injury day-to-day activities without further disruption. Others who suffer brain injuries experience longer-lasting effects, which can include:

  • Personality changes;
  • Inability to speak;
  • Blindness;
  • Seizures;
  • Increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease;
  • Paralysis; and,
  • Coma.

 For serious injuries, rehabilitative program care may be necessary. Meanwhile, other injured parties may require additional types of support, like mental health interventions to navigate the emotional and behavioral changes that can result after a brain injury.

How a Boston Brain Injury Lawyer Can Help

Accident victims and their families deserve compensation when someone else intentionally or negligently causes a brain injury. In seeking compensation for their losses, injured parties will likely need to negotiate with other side’s insurance company. Unfortunately, Boston insurers have little incentive to offer a reasonable settlement. Moreover, a brain injury may make it especially challenging for the injured party to gather the evidence necessary to support their claim and to aggressively negotiate.

A Boston brain injury lawyer at Turco Legal can alleviate this burden and help with this process by:

  • Identifying the cause of your brain injury;
  • Collecting evidence to help recreate what happened;
  • Reviewing your medical records with experts to fully understand the extent of your brain injury;
  • Documenting your past, present, and future losses;
  • Communicating with insurance adjusters about your claim and completing any required paperwork;
  • Arguing that your own negligence was minimal;
  • Negotiating a meaningful settlement for your brain injury; and,
  • Representing you in court if we cannot settle with an insurer.

Compensation for Brain Injuries

Since brain injuries range from mild to severe, the level of care necessary for recovery will vary. Relatively mild injuries might disrupt your life for a few months as you rest at home. Meanwhile, moderate brain injuries may require monitoring at the hospital, ventilation, and/or time in the intensive care unit. Severe brain injuries can leave someone in a vegetative state.

You should seek compensation for all the financial and noneconomic losses you suffered as a result of your brain injury. Those losses may include the following.

  • Medical care. You may need diagnostic tests, doctor visits, prescription medication, at-home help, or even time in a nursing home.
  • Lost income or wages. Even someone with a mild brain injury may need to take some time off from work.
  • Future economic losses. According to the Centers for Disease Control, over 50% of people with at least a moderate brain injury had a disability five years later. You may need continuing medical care or be unable to work for an extended period of time. Those who return to work may need to accept a lower-paying job, leading to income loss. You can request compensation for these future losses.
  • Property damage. Your vehicle or other property could have suffered damage in the accident that led to the injury.
  • Pain and suffering. Brain injuries can cause considerable physical suffering and emotional distress—these warrant compensation. Money cannot get your old life back, but it can help ensure you receive the care and support you need to best recover.

Deadlines for Filing a Lawsuit

Generally, under Massachusetts law, you must file your brain injury claim within 3 years of the accident. Failing to do so may bar you from bringing a case and, in turn, from recovering damages for your injury. It’s important to speak with a brain injury attorney as soon as possible after your accident to ensure you are safeguarding your rights and legal options.

Speak with Our Experienced Boston Brain Injury Lawyer

The attorneys at Turco Legal are committed advocates for accident victims and their families. The days following an accident are confusing for most. You might not know what to do or how to pay your bills. We can help. Our Boston brain injury lawyers have secured favorable compensation for many clients, and we are eager to help you in any way we can. To schedule a consultation, contact us today at (617) 657-4878.

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