Boston Wrongful Death Lawyer

At Turco Legal, our Boston wrongful death attorneys are experienced advocates for justice. If your family member was killed in an accident in Suffolk County, we are here to navigate the legal process―so that you can get justice, accountability, closure, and financial support. For a free, fully private initial appointment with an experienced Massachusetts wrongful death attorney, please give us a call at (978) 225-9030 or contact us at our Boston law office directly online.

What Is Wrongful Death in Massachusetts?

In Massachusetts, parties often owe each other a duty to exercise reasonable care. Under Massachusetts law (Mass. Gen. Laws Ann. ch. 229, § 2), a wrongful death, in part, is one that happens “by negligence” or by a “willful, wanton or reckless act.” Put another way, a wrongful death is one that happened because one or more parties failed to exercise due care or otherwise take the proper safety precautions. A defendant can be held liable for a wrongful death. Some of the most common examples of cases that could lead to a wrongful death claim include: 

  • Motor vehicle accidents;
  • Tractor trailer  accidents; 
  • Premises liability cases; 
  • Product liability (defective product) claims; 
  • Medical malpractice lawsuits; and,
  • Intentional criminal acts. 

Three Year Statute of Limitations for Wrongful Death Claims

You have a limited amount of time to bring a wrongful death lawsuit in Massachusetts. The Commonwealth has a three year statute of limitations for wrongful death suits. If a wrongful death claim is not filed within three years of a person’s death, it may be dismissed by the court without a full hearing on the merits. The sooner you initiate a legal case, the better position that you and your family will be to get justice and financial support. Protect your rights by speaking to an experienced Boston, MA wrongful death attorney as soon as possible. 

Who Can File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

In Massachusetts, a wrongful death lawsuit must be filed by the executor or administrator of your deceased loved one’s estate. If your loved one had a valid will, then that document should appoint an executor. The executor will be responsible for filing the wrongful death claim. If your loved one did not have a valid will, then the Suffolk County Probate and Family Court must appoint an administrator to handle the estate. The administrator will be responsible for filing the wrongful death claim. If you have specific questions or concerns about initiating a legal claim, please do not hesitate to contact our Boston, MA wrongful death attorneys for immediate assistance with your case. 

An Overview of Wrongful Death Damages in Massachusetts

The purpose of a wrongful death claim is to compensate the surviving family members for the losses they suffered following the wrongful death of a loved one. While no amount of compensation could ever truly make things right, this the best option offered by the law. Further, you and your family may need the maximum available financial support following your loved one’s death. 

Massachusetts law allows wrongful death claimants to recover for both economic and non-economic damages. You may be entitled to recover wrongful death compensation for: 

  • Any related out-of-pocket costs, including medical bills paid; 
  • Funeral and burial expenses; 
  • Loss of financial support, including insurance coverage; and,
  • Intangible damages, such as loss of care, companionship, comfort, guidance, counsel, and advice.

How Our Boston Wrongful Death Attorneys Can Help

The loss of a close loved one because of a preventable accident is heartbreaking. There is nothing that will ever be truly good enough to make things right. At the same time, you and your family need justice, closure, and the maximum available financial support. At Turco Legal, we are prepared to take care of all your legal needs so that you can focus on your family. When you contact our Boston law office, you will connect with a Massachusetts wrongful death lawyer who can: 

  • Hear your story, answer legal questions, and explain your rights under Massachusetts law; 
  • Thoroughly investigate the accident, securing the evidence needed to establish liability; 
  • Handle paperwork, correspondence with insurers, and settlement negotiations; and,
  • Build a customized legal strategy for your case.

Get Help from a Wrongful Death Attorney in Boston

At Turco Legal, our Boston wrongful death lawyers understand the challenges that grieving families face. If your loved one was involved in a fatal accident, we will help you navigate all aspects of the legal claims process. Call us at (978) 225-9030 or contact us online for a free, strictly confidential initial consultation. From our law office in Boston, we represent families in wrongful death claims throughout Eastern Massachusetts.

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