Newburyport Collaborative Divorce Lawyer

At Turco Legal, our Newburyport collaborative divorce attorney is committed to helping clients find amicable solutions to end their marriage. Through collaborative divorce, spouses can work together to finalize their divorce in a structured, non-adversarial setting. If you have any specific questions about the collaborative divorce process, we can help. For a strictly confidential, no obligation initial consultation with a top Massachusetts collaborative law attorney, please contact us at our Newburyport law office today.

Your Guide to Collaborative Divorce in Massachusetts

Collaborative divorce is a voluntary, structured legal process designed to facilitate a divorce settlement in a lower-conflict environment. Through collaborative divorce, the spouses (and their attorneys) work together to discuss and finalize the details of a settlement that actually works for their specific situation. You can deal with all issues related to your marriage in collaborative law, including:

  • Property division;
  • Debt division;
  • Spousal support (alimony);
  • Child custody;
  • Child visitation; and,
  • Child support.

The collaborative law process starts with the execution of a participation agreement. It is this agreement that offers the structure. One of the key things that makes collaborative divorce unique is that it is a confidential process through which attorneys provide non-adversarial support. If you leave the collaborative divorce process without a settlement, your collaborative lawyer must withdraw representation. Your Newburyport collaborative divorce attorney cannot represent you during any subsequent litigation.

Collaborative Divorce Offers Important Advantages

For many divorcing couples in Newburyport, the collaborative law process offers some important advantages. It could be the best way for you to resolve your divorce in a formal, but non-adversarial setting. Here are four important benefits offered by collaborative divorce.

  • Low Conflict: Collaborative divorce involves parties and their attorneys working together to find solutions that work for everyone. It is about problem-solving. Collaborative divorce can preserve relationships.
  • Cost-Effective: Compared to divorce litigation, the collaborative process tends to be far less expensive. It can be a cost-effective way for divorcing couples to end their marriage in a structured environment.
  • Confidential: Information exchanged throughout the collaborative divorce process is not part of a public record and what the parties share in negotiations is inadmissible in subsequent litigation. Indeed, the collaborative law process is protected by strict confidentiality rules.
  • Voluntary: Collaborative divorce participation is not required. You may make a good faith effort to reach an agreement only to find that one is simply not possible. You have the right to withdraw from the collaborative divorce process. Litigation remains an alternative.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Collaborative Divorce in Massachusetts

Does Collaborative Law Work in High-Conflict cases?

It can. While mediation may not be effective in a high-conflict divorce case, the collaborative law approach may offer a solution. The well-structured nature of collaborative divorce makes it a potential tool for couples who are involved in a high-conflict case but want to avoid litigation. Collaborative law may not be appropriate in some instances, however—such as those involving domestic violence or a controlling or intimidating spouse.

What Is the Role of a Collaborative Divorce Lawyer?

A collaborative divorce lawyer plays a unique role. A collaborative divorce lawyer helps clients work towards a cooperative agreement that meets their needs and goals. Your Newburyport collaborative law attorney will advocate on your behalf while working collaboratively, but cannot ever represent you in subsequent litigation. They must withdraw representation if you exit the collaborative law process and decide to litigate your case.

What Happens When We Settle Our Case Through Collaborative Divorce?

If a settlement is reached, the final agreement will be drafted and the attorneys, along with the parties, will work together to refine it. Once a final agreement is in place, a joint divorce petition can be filed with the court. Your case will be an uncontested divorce.

Why Rely on Our Newburyport Collaborative Divorce Attorney

You can benefit from retaining the services of an experienced collaborative lawyer. When you call our Newburyport law office, you will have an opportunity to speak with a collaborative divorce attorney who can answer the questions you have, explain the process in more detail, help you get organized and prepared, and represent you in collaborative divorce proceedings.

Contact Our Newburyport Collaborative Divorce Lawyer Today

At Turco Legal, our Newburyport collaborative divorce attorney is standing by, ready to work with you to find the best solutions in your case. If you are preparing to enter the collaborative divorce process, our family law team is here to help. Call us at (978) 225-9030 or send us a direct message to set up your confidential case review. We provide collaborative law services in Newburyport and throughout the wider region.

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